Roll with the punches 🥊

We're on the eve of back to school in our house. There are nerves and protests. It's easy to empathize, we've had two weeks of fun, get-togethers, play, sleeping-in, and so many treats (have I mentioned my love of marzipan?) - it's a change not easy for most. My husband was a grumpypants himself when he returned to work earlier this week after his holiday break.

Change can be a little tricky or a big worry. I remind the kids every year when we take down Christmas and they are sad to see it go, that I feel the same. But I know if we left our decorations up until it became a chore to finally take them down because we're fed up with them, the joy we all feel living in a house that looks like this for a month;

except we're a rainbow colours christmas house
would be diminished. It would feel less magical, less hilarious. So the change, though it's a return to our regular lives, preserves the priority of Christmas Crazies in our home.

If you're a creature of habit, and I am myself, it can take a good amount of self peptalks to get yourself to whole-heartedly get onboard with change. We're on Day 6 of YNAB's 34 day challenge and the punch I'm currently rolling with is that we are not budgeting Christmas 2019. All the funds we put towards Christmas, that we created our clever sub-categories and strategic amounts for our monthly goals to are on hold this year. The funds are all going to saving for the Australia trip and Christmas is completely hidden. It feels so WEIRD!!

This isn't quite moving money that challenge asks for but rather move in priorities. Colloquially and affectionately called WAM'ing (whack-a-mole'ing) in the YNAB Fans facebook group, the behaviour of moving money is encouraged and embraced in this budgeting system. You are NOT to leave yourself sitting there feeling like you've failed at your budgeting goals. Overspending happens, the emphasis isn't on the overspending, the emphasis is on the knowledge that within your budgeted funds you have money available and flexible to cover the overspending. You win Whack-A-Mole!
You've got your paws on the steering wheel
So I am freaking out but it's honestly 20% about moving the money and funding the trip and 80% not budgeting for Christmas and knowing they will NOT let me decorate the planes with snowflakes and twinkle lights on the way to Oz.


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