2019! New year, new journal, new goals, new spirit 🦘🌎💰🎉

2018 became a turnaround year for me. I finally faced hard truths, bad habits, fears and inconsistencies. The day I stepped out of my own way was the day contentment and success began to find me.

2019 will be a big year for us - us is a family of 4 humans, two 40 year olds, one 10 year old and one nearly 8 year old and one senior dog and four rescued guinea pigs. We have a huge adventure to plan and fund to the other side of the world to celebrate my brother's wedding. We live in a groovy 1960's bungalow in the best neighbourhood in our city (I might be biased) and want to update, upgrade and renovate. We have an early retirement to plan and a re-entry in the workforce to navigate.

Budgeting is something I've been passionate about for a couple of years, but rarely talk about it. Here's some sharing and baby steps into open talk about budgeting and it's life-changing abilities - while I was in therapy for suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression (how's that for honesty..jeepers) my therapist recommended a budgeting system to help with my perspective, stress and ignorance around finances all of which were huge triggers for me. We are at the start of our third year using You Need A Budget. It's something that will come up in my journal, because it works for me, not because I'm paid. I'm participating in two of YNAB's challenges; The 34-Day Challenge and the Official 2019 YNAB Savings Challenge (I'm #46 on the spreadsheet). Accountability is the name of the game this year and I'd love to buddy up with others interested in keeping each other on track with our goals and budgets. So for 34 Days, it'll be YNABananas around here! *groan*

Day 1 of the 34-Day Challenge involves writing with a pen and paper (what!?), creating new habits and being present. I found 10 minutes and broke in the Notes section of my fresh 2019 planner.
Though this will be my third year of using YNAB, it is the first year I'll be using it to aggressively reach big goals. I have been cautious and coasting, prepared for any and all worse while shying away from the risk of what could be great.  Budgeting guided me to a healthier perspective and relationship with money, now it will be guiding myself and my family towards bigger thinking and greater goals.


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